I have started exercising, YUK. But I have taken a walk for at least an hour every other day. I didn't realize you cold hurt that much! I hope that I can keep it up, but I do like just some time by myself listening to my Ipod. Oh I cut out soda as well. at least at home, my treat is if i go out I can have some! (Baby steps) Why have I done this (again)? Cause I just want to be Healthy. I have been over weight most of my life and the 4 months I actually got skinny in high school I got a boy friend and a baby! On went the pounds that never came off (17 yrs ago)! I don't need to be a size zero or even a 4, just a healthy weight. I also want to set an example for my kids. Thankfully they have my hubby's metabolism. He is very thin and eats whatever he wants whenever he wants (so not fair)!
On another note, I just got done reading Revolutionary Road. Ok it isn't Twilight! It was good, but boy it was depressing, I felt like there was never any happiness in these peoples life. I really do want to see the movie, and make comparisons, I can't imagine them being able to make the characters as miserable as in the book! My next book will be The Reader which I anticipate will also be a bit depressing. Have a great weekend!

Jamey good for you! If you ever need a walking partner (and child) I'll go with you, but i'd probably slow you down!
Keep walking! I was set to start up (again) this past Monday...well, Sunday night, I did a Peter Pan and twisted my ankle. LOL I have been hobbling all week.
Go to my blog...I left some awards for you.
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