Friday, August 29, 2008

Fun Fact Friday!

I am...
shy (at first).
I think... Jesus freak is a compliment.
I know...
God is in control.
I want... to make a difference in people’s lives.
I have... enough.
I wish... for more wishes!
I hate...
selfishness & intolerance.
I miss... my Nana.
I fear...
I will never lose the baby fat (from 17, 9, 7 yrs ago)
I feel... Grateful.
I hear... New kids on the block will be in San Jose in October. I wanna go!
I smell... the rose my WH got me last night (aww)
I search... for a new dinner recipe we will all actually eat!
I wonder... what the future holds.
I regret... having Debt.
I love... my family.
I care...
about my friends.
I always... watch too much T.V.
I am not... a drinker, never had the taste for it.
I believe... Jesus is the reason for the season.
I dance... pretty good, but not dancing with the stars good!
I sing...
at my church.
I don't always… say the right thing.
I write... messy, that’s why I type.
I win... too many rubber Stamps award.
I lose... at Bunco allot.
I never... let my food touch.
I listen... to Jeremy Camp allot!
I can usually be found... in the Van.
I'm scared of... spiders, heights, oh and roller coaster that go upside down!
I read...
the Bible.
I forget... names, just as soon as I hear them… Poof they are gone.
I just... can’t believe it’s not butter!

Thanks Jen I got this from you a while ago.


Vicki G. said...

It's nice to get to know you. :) I may borrow this..

The Mom Jen said...

Aw your hubby is so sweet!! I LOSE at Bunco a lot too...Who's winning all the time? Cheaters!

I can't believe it's not butter made me spit my coffee! ;)

The Silver Age Sara said...

I enjoyed reading your Fun Fact Friday. I feel as if I know so much more about you now.
I'm scared of spiders and heights too!

Rochelle said...

Very cool! I learned a few new things about you!

Breanne said...

oh - I love these. fun to learn things. I might have to stealit.